Saturday, January 31, 2015

Journal Post #3

Just Listen

I saw a quote posted the other day that said, "the biggest communication problem we have is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply."  I had to read the post a few times before the meaning of the statement finally sunk in—point taken.  The more I thought about, I feel there is a lot of truth in this observation as to how we communicate with others.  Whether it is consciously or subconsciously, we typically take in information so that we can formulate an answer or response.  There is a feeling of inadequacy associated with not having a response, which probably has something to do with our own insecurities.  But by providing an immediate response does that reduce our ability to really contemplate an issue and understand what is being said?

This common approach can be related to arguments or disagreements we me have one with another.  When we are in a heated debate are we listening the other side’s point of view, or are we simply gathering additional information to be used in our rebuttal?  If the point of the argument is to validate your standpoint and outline the flaws in your counterpart’s perspective, you may be better served in trying to understand their perspective.  This may not change your opinion on the matter, but it will improve your understanding.

$100.00 Challenge Project Update:

I have been able to make a deal with one of my neighbors, who is a cabinetmaker.  I am going to go to his shop every Saturday morning and sweep up for a couple of hours.  In return, he will allow me to take all of the scrap pieces of wood for my project. 

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