Saturday, February 28, 2015

Journal Post #7

Prepare to Fail

Prepare to fail… It’s going to happen.  Try as you might to avoid it; you’ll soon find you can’t.  It will find you in every endeavor you pursue.  Whether it be picking up a new sport, building a shed in the backyard, starting your own business or even in relationships—like your marriage.  That’s right, you are destined to fail and no matter how smart, how aggressive, or how focused and determined you think you are—you are gunna bomb...  Big time. 

Failure is something many of us try to circumvent at all costs.  Why?  Because it leaves nothing to be desired, just a feeling of self-doubt, self-pity and discouragement.  No one wants that title of “failure” at the end of his or her name.  It doesn’t do much for your ego or your reputation among your peers. 

Failure and success should be looked at as moments in time.  They are both part of the process of progression; however, I feel failure is much more vital.  True, success does gives you a taste of what can be, a feeling of accomplishment, but does it actually make you better?  When we fail we are left in a hole with a decision, to give up or get up.  It’s the getting up requires us to trust in whatever strength and resources we can muster to dig our way out.  We leave with a renewed perspective, appreciation and understanding of who and where we want to be.  Thankfully, it is the failure that prepares us for the success.

$100.00 Challenge Project Update:

So now the real challenge begins—time management.  I have quite a few orders in, I have my materials and supplies.  Now it is just a question of finding the time.  With midterms in three of my classes this week, I wasn’t able to spend my Saturday in the garage working, as I would have liked.  This week I am going to have to put some time in on the evenings.  I want to get everything built and then stain and paint them all at the same time, to use my time more effectively.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Journal Post #6

Mid-Term Reflection

As we are approaching mid-term this week, I have taken some time to reflect on what I have learned up to this point.  Not necessarily the specific subjects themselves, but things that will help me become a better entrepreneur.  The first thing that popped out in my mind is time management.  I then started to dig a little deeper and determine why that area of my life has improved.  I was able to associate this improvement to one skill set that I have begun to implement in my life, which is delegation.

I hate to ask people to things.  For most of my life I have operated under the mantra that “if you want something done right, you are gunna have to do it yourself”.  Not that I think I am better than most, I think it is more so that A) I hate asking other people to do things for me, as it feels like I am too weak or unable to do it myself, and B) Not knowing if someone else is going to place the same level of importance or priority on a project that I would.  As a manager, this has been an area where I struggle. 

This semester I have been assigned to be the group lead on a couple of projects in two of my other classes.  In both classes, I have roughly 4 other classmates I have been working with on group projects.  (Did I mention I hate group work?)  In both situations the first couple weeks were really tough.  Motivating the others to get involved, do their part, and making sure it was done on time… Not necessarily my cup of tea.

I quickly found out that I couldn’t do this all on my own.  It was at that point I was pushed into that uncomfortable area of asking people to do things.  I found that when I explain clearly what needs to be done, when we need it completed and what we are expecting it to look like at the end; that doesn’t necessarily mean it is going to get done.  However, it does give you peace of mind in knowing the assignment has been delegated effectively.  It can however increase the quantity and quality of things you accomplish in this life, as a student and as an entrepreneur. 

$100.00 Challenge Project Update:

Orders are in!!!  I have few orders now that I have some materials; I am going to start building my projects.  I haven’t determine if I am going to paint or stain each of the projects, as my customers seemed to feel somewhat indifferent on what was done.  I am going to review the prices for both paint and stain and try to stick to just a couple of colors for all the projects to keep my costs low.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Journal Post #5

Review of: Living on One

My daughter’s and I watch a documentary the other day call “Living on One”.  It was about a few college-age guys that went to rural area of Guatemala for a few weeks to live and struggle in the same type of environment that many of the people there, and in other parts of the world, endure each day.  For 2 months the lived as the people live there; randomly allotting themselves, on average, one dollar a day.  Some days they would have four dollars and other days they we would have none.  This allowed them to experience the hardships in a real setting, battling with real challenges, such as hunger, fatigue and disease.

In watching this documentary I began to see how many in third-world countries can feel trapped.  The literally do not have the energy at times to work.  In fact, the guys doing the documentary had to start purchasing fat to cook with their rice and beans just to get the calories they need.  At the end of the documentary it showed how many individuals were getting small business loans for around $100.00.  The large majority of the individuals applying for these loans were women.  In one example, a woman bought a chainsaw so that she could cut firewood, which is one of the most valuable commodities in that area.

The film was very inspiring and showed how willing these people are to work and improve their situations.  The women, in particular, were very intuitive and entrepreneurial in their approach to providing for their families.  How grateful I am to have all the many blessings I have been afforded. 

$100.00 Challenge Project Update:

I have started to collect the materials for my project.  I have quite a few boards that I have picked out and have some good ideas on what I should build.  I have also reached out to a few individuals and have talked to them about this project.  I am in the process of determining the pricing and how many things I will need to build.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Journal Post #4

Strengths and Weaknesses

Two of the most common questions asked in an interview are, “So tell me what would identify as your strengths?”  Followed by the next question which is, “So what would you say are your weaknesses?”  At which point you then try and turn your “weaknesses” into strengths.  :-)  This week I have been able to see one of my characteristics I have typically identified as a strength may be more of weakness.  That is my organizational abilities.

I like things in order.  I like things clean and I like things neat.  If you ask me where a file is, I will go to the main folder and click on the subfolder and pull up a copy.  Some may call it O.C.D., but I call it being organized. 

This week has been anything but organized.  Just one thing after another—at home, with school and at work.  A lot of late nights and early mornings.  As I have done my best to roll with the punches and keep up, I have found that I lack the ability to just jump in and get things done—quick fast and on to the next project.  Is some ways my need to be organized has got in the way of the need to get things done.  This upcoming week I am going to really focus on making this weakness into a strength.

$100.00 Challenge Project Update:

I am going to begin earning my sweat equity at my neighbor’s cabinet shop on Saturday.  Looking forward to getting the started and also seeing what type of materials I will have to work with in building my projects.